[Home (latest entry)][Sequence Reader- First post] [LATEST UPDATES and discussion forum] [Cryonics Cafeteria] Cryonics Cafeteria is open... as another experiment since Jon is closing his forum. EMAIL rick_potvin@yahoo.com Was Muhammad Ali cryopreserved (frozen) like Ted Willams? There's enough "chatter from the past" to consider it. [PALM Blog-post about Ali's possible cryonic preservation by Rick] [Threaded discussion forum "TW Talk" will pick up where the PALM Blog-page left off]
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
My effort to maintain a cryonics contract is beginning to collapse as of 2010 with the weight of numerous factors, not the least of which was the wake-up call posted on the Alcor blog about the lack of contractual guarantee of a grandfathered price agreement. Suddenly, I realized I've made a major blunder-- I ought to have bought a million dollars in life insurance at age 34 (when I signed up)-- to cover advanced cryonics in 2057 when I'll be 100-- assuming I live that long-- which I could very well. Now, I'm threatened with less and less cryonics technology and rescue capability as the price of a basic neuro increases.In brief, I think I have to help the Board of Alcor create a new type of contract... whereby I'll be cancelling my "full" membership, but leave my 50K neuro life insurance policy with Alcor... as a down payment on whatever cryonics rescue they can do for me well into the future... toward 2057 when I reach 100 years of age... which down payment will be enhanced by whatever I manage to leave Alcor in my will or trust. --Rick Potvin PALM A-1348 (PALM indicates no membership dues will be paid, but a life insurance policy will remain with Alcor along with an updated will or trust indicating extra money for Alcor to enhance my original down payment-- this will be called Pre-Arranged Last Minute cryonics membership).
Alphabetical Sentence Index
- 000 Alcor program. (1)
- 9/11 in Phoenix on 12/25/12 (1)
- Ali - frozen (1)
- Ali - frozen 2 (1)
- Ali - frozen 3 (1)
- Attendance - number of hits on PALM cryonics forum. (1)
- Billion dollar foundation - how? (1)
- Blogsearch on cryonics (1)
- Board - no emails on Alcor site (1)
- Bryan H. - taking it with you (1)
- Charles Platt - funding minimums articles (1)
- Charles Platt's articles - rejected by Alcor editors... why? (1)
- Cher (1)
- Churning - method to fund wealthy cryos by less wealthy cryos (1)
- CI + SA Fee - no accounting for inflation and higher tech (1)
- CI in AZ - a new paradigm? (1)
- Cold Filter Forum - avoidance of new #1 issue of funding (1)
- Covid frozen vaccine (1)
- Dave Pizer sees Alcor problem. (1)
- Don Laughlin - estate 1 (1)
- down payment - life insurance as.... on cryopreservation (1)
- Econometric model of Alcor finance (1)
- Endowment Dec. 2010 - locks up millions from bequest with 2% payout (1)
- Eric Klein - drew attention to funding gap in early 1990s (1)
- Ettinger - out of the loop? (1)
- Facts of Life - Dick Jones' estate and other estates bequested to Alcor (1)
- Financial and economic world collapse - effect on cryonics (1)
- Freitas' econometric model of Alcor finanance (1)
- FUNDING - double funding every 20 years (1)
- Funding Gap - ...the primary issue now over and above technology (1)
- Futures contracts - in cryonics analagous to pork belly futures contracts. (1)
- Grandfathered local members - status (2)
- Hugh Hefner (1)
- Inflation / higher cost high tech vs. economies of scale (1)
- Intermediate Temperature Storage - available to select few (1)
- Introduction (1)
- ITS - 3 x more costly (1)
- Jennifer's original Alcor blogpost renegging grandfathering (1)
- last minute cases - as a model for PALM (1)
- Later years - not the same as earlier years (1)
- Matt Sullivan - funding plans and ideas. (1)
- Max More - business consultant genius brought in to solve Alcor funding gap? (1)
- Max More - quit (1)
- Membership - not necessary (1)
- Membership cancellation notice - modified (1)
- Membership cancellations considered. (1)
- Membership Director Cremeens - emails to... (1)
- Membership dues - going up and up and up (1)
- Mike Darwin - 3 part history (1)
- Mind is already immortal via quantum deep reality. (1)
- Minimums - funding... (1)
- Muhammed Ali (1)
- New $50 (1)
- Optimize - cryonics arrangements (1)
- P.A.L.M. Cryonics - unilateral back up plan (1)
- P.A.L.M. Cryonics - Pre Arranged Last Minute cryonics arrangements (1)
- PALM Cryonics Trust - a new cryonics finance model. (1)
- Perpetual trusts - killing cryonics by starving Alcor now in favor of individual speculative reanimation? (1)
- Pool funded equitable cryoncis - through a cryonics church (1)
- PRE ARRANGED LAST MINUTE CRYONICS - ...is now my first choice. (1)
- Quantum reality - mind is already immortal (1)
- questions - invited (1)
- Reincarnation (1)
- Religion - cryonics as... (1)
- Rick Potvin (3)
- Rick's Situation - a sad tale of insurance folly (1)
- Rudi Hoffman - alternative plans (1)
- Sequence reader. (1)
- Silver - funding my preservation with silver 100 oz bars. (1)
- Standby fee $10/mo and Chapman's blogpost (1)
- status report - my membership status (1)
- Steve Vachani - underinsured at age 22 (1)
- Storage containers - Maxim's view (1)
- Suicide for cryonics (1)
- Suspended Animation Inc - May 20 2011 conference will pitch to Alcor members to convert (1)
- Transferrability - of PALM cryonics plan across orgs (1)
- Unperson's situation (1)
- Updates in diary format. (1)
- vaccines - covid minus 90 (1)
- will or trust - name Alcor as beneficiary for pre-arranged last minute non member cryonics (1)
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