[Home (latest entry)][Sequence Reader- First post] [LATEST UPDATES and discussion forum] [Cryonics Cafeteria] Cryonics Cafeteria is open... as another experiment since Jon is closing his forum. EMAIL rick_potvin@yahoo.com Was Muhammad Ali cryopreserved (frozen) like Ted Willams? There's enough "chatter from the past" to consider it. [PALM Blog-post about Ali's possible cryonic preservation by Rick] [Threaded discussion forum "TW Talk" will pick up where the PALM Blog-page left off]
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
My effort to maintain a cryonics contract is beginning to collapse as of 2010 with the weight of numerous factors, not the least of which was the wake-up call posted on the Alcor blog about the lack of contractual guarantee of a grandfathered price agreement. Suddenly, I realized I've made a major blunder-- I ought to have bought a million dollars in life insurance at age 34 (when I signed up)-- to cover advanced cryonics in 2057 when I'll be 100-- assuming I live that long-- which I could very well. Now, I'm threatened with less and less cryonics technology and rescue capability as the price of a basic neuro increases.In brief, I think I have to help the Board of Alcor create a new type of contract... whereby I'll be cancelling my "full" membership, but leave my 50K neuro life insurance policy with Alcor... as a down payment on whatever cryonics rescue they can do for me well into the future... toward 2057 when I reach 100 years of age... which down payment will be enhanced by whatever I manage to leave Alcor in my will or trust. --Rick Potvin PALM A-1348 (PALM indicates no membership dues will be paid, but a life insurance policy will remain with Alcor along with an updated will or trust indicating extra money for Alcor to enhance my original down payment-- this will be called Pre-Arranged Last Minute cryonics membership).
9/11-2 in Phoenix on 12/25/12
There is a book out called "The most dangerous book in the world" that predicts a 9/11 part 2 event for Phoenix Arizona on Dec. 25 this year... This should be looked at and considered with appropriate caution taken.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Jon closes Cold Filter... sort of.
Jon posted a link to this blog... as a final approval of my last post there. I'll now continue the most important aspect of cryonics, for me, Pre-Arranged Last Minute or PALM cryonics here. I'll cover a wider swath of topics in cryonics than my own arrangements but in a reasonable way. Comments here will be left open. I'll have more frequent and shorter posts than other cryo bloggers.
Jon's style of moderating was terrible in my opinion. There is no real conversation going on in Cold Filter because a conversation involves ongoing give and take, detours, restatements and questions. Jon approves only sporadically and his filter is so tight that very little gets through. I'd say the cold filter has become irreparably clogged. It needs a plumber, badly. Or... maybe just a plunger and we can flush the whole thing down the proverbial toilet. Just kidding... I'm taking that analogy too far... but it's there if we ever need it again.
Here are the latest threads at Clogged Filter... in alphabetical order.
Alcor associate membership. Alcor associate membership
Captain Kirk... William Shatner on death, immortality, and the singularity
Charity. cryonics charity for terminally ill
Closing Clogged Filter. Closing Cold Filter
CPlatt... Charles Platt subject of skepticism makes the news
FED.... Audit of Federal Reserve uncovers 16 trillion in secret loans
fishing, fishy, fish, fresh, sardines... Don't support fishing
God debate... Is God willing to enter into an ethical debat-
happiness in cryonics... happy
immortality on Discovery... Discovery Channel: Can You Live Forever?
International cryonics. Cryonics for patients outside US
movie... More actors signing on to Cryonics Movie
PALM Cryonics Follow Rick Potvin's latest cryonics efforts at P.A.L.M cryonics.
sickness... Sickness and death
Pizer's Balls. Let's Get the Ball Rolling - FASTER
Pizer's invitation... Cryonics Invitation
sedating to death.. The animals were sedated and bled until their hearts stopped.
Steven Hawking. Hacking Steve Hawkins' brain
Transcension. The Transcension Hypothesis - What comes after the singularity?
Unperson moving to Phoenix. I am applying for a job in phoenix
young people in cryonics... Incredible Achievments Possible For Young People In Cryonics
Jon's style of moderating was terrible in my opinion. There is no real conversation going on in Cold Filter because a conversation involves ongoing give and take, detours, restatements and questions. Jon approves only sporadically and his filter is so tight that very little gets through. I'd say the cold filter has become irreparably clogged. It needs a plumber, badly. Or... maybe just a plunger and we can flush the whole thing down the proverbial toilet. Just kidding... I'm taking that analogy too far... but it's there if we ever need it again.
Here are the latest threads at Clogged Filter... in alphabetical order.
Alcor associate membership. Alcor associate membership
Captain Kirk... William Shatner on death, immortality, and the singularity
Charity. cryonics charity for terminally ill
Closing Clogged Filter. Closing Cold Filter
CPlatt... Charles Platt subject of skepticism makes the news
FED.... Audit of Federal Reserve uncovers 16 trillion in secret loans
fishing, fishy, fish, fresh, sardines... Don't support fishing
God debate... Is God willing to enter into an ethical debat-
happiness in cryonics... happy
immortality on Discovery... Discovery Channel: Can You Live Forever?
International cryonics. Cryonics for patients outside US
movie... More actors signing on to Cryonics Movie
PALM Cryonics Follow Rick Potvin's latest cryonics efforts at P.A.L.M cryonics.
sickness... Sickness and death
Pizer's Balls. Let's Get the Ball Rolling - FASTER
Pizer's invitation... Cryonics Invitation
sedating to death.. The animals were sedated and bled until their hearts stopped.
Steven Hawking. Hacking Steve Hawkins' brain
Transcension. The Transcension Hypothesis - What comes after the singularity?
Unperson moving to Phoenix. I am applying for a job in phoenix
young people in cryonics... Incredible Achievments Possible For Young People In Cryonics
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Fred Chamberlain, founder of Alcor, kills self to be frozen.
Fred denied himself food and liquids in order to facilitate his deanimation so that he could be cryopreserved with a relatively intact brain. Cryonics suicide appears to be more common than I had first thought. Bob Ettinger, the founder of cryonics in 1963, is surrounded by circumstance that lead me to believe he did the same thing. Cryonicists try to avoid discussion of this.
My own will specifies that I should be kept alive at all costs, as long as possible. My position is consistent with life extension.
My own will specifies that I should be kept alive at all costs, as long as possible. My position is consistent with life extension.
Alphabetical Sentence Index
- 000 Alcor program. (1)
- 9/11 in Phoenix on 12/25/12 (1)
- Ali - frozen (1)
- Ali - frozen 2 (1)
- Ali - frozen 3 (1)
- Attendance - number of hits on PALM cryonics forum. (1)
- Billion dollar foundation - how? (1)
- Blogsearch on cryonics (1)
- Board - no emails on Alcor site (1)
- Bryan H. - taking it with you (1)
- Charles Platt - funding minimums articles (1)
- Charles Platt's articles - rejected by Alcor editors... why? (1)
- Cher (1)
- Churning - method to fund wealthy cryos by less wealthy cryos (1)
- CI + SA Fee - no accounting for inflation and higher tech (1)
- CI in AZ - a new paradigm? (1)
- Cold Filter Forum - avoidance of new #1 issue of funding (1)
- Covid frozen vaccine (1)
- Dave Pizer sees Alcor problem. (1)
- Don Laughlin - estate 1 (1)
- down payment - life insurance as.... on cryopreservation (1)
- Econometric model of Alcor finance (1)
- Endowment Dec. 2010 - locks up millions from bequest with 2% payout (1)
- Eric Klein - drew attention to funding gap in early 1990s (1)
- Ettinger - out of the loop? (1)
- Facts of Life - Dick Jones' estate and other estates bequested to Alcor (1)
- Financial and economic world collapse - effect on cryonics (1)
- Freitas' econometric model of Alcor finanance (1)
- FUNDING - double funding every 20 years (1)
- Funding Gap - ...the primary issue now over and above technology (1)
- Futures contracts - in cryonics analagous to pork belly futures contracts. (1)
- Grandfathered local members - status (2)
- Hugh Hefner (1)
- Inflation / higher cost high tech vs. economies of scale (1)
- Intermediate Temperature Storage - available to select few (1)
- Introduction (1)
- ITS - 3 x more costly (1)
- Jennifer's original Alcor blogpost renegging grandfathering (1)
- last minute cases - as a model for PALM (1)
- Later years - not the same as earlier years (1)
- Matt Sullivan - funding plans and ideas. (1)
- Max More - business consultant genius brought in to solve Alcor funding gap? (1)
- Max More - quit (1)
- Membership - not necessary (1)
- Membership cancellation notice - modified (1)
- Membership cancellations considered. (1)
- Membership Director Cremeens - emails to... (1)
- Membership dues - going up and up and up (1)
- Mike Darwin - 3 part history (1)
- Mind is already immortal via quantum deep reality. (1)
- Minimums - funding... (1)
- Muhammed Ali (1)
- New $50 (1)
- Optimize - cryonics arrangements (1)
- P.A.L.M. Cryonics - unilateral back up plan (1)
- P.A.L.M. Cryonics - Pre Arranged Last Minute cryonics arrangements (1)
- PALM Cryonics Trust - a new cryonics finance model. (1)
- Perpetual trusts - killing cryonics by starving Alcor now in favor of individual speculative reanimation? (1)
- Pool funded equitable cryoncis - through a cryonics church (1)
- PRE ARRANGED LAST MINUTE CRYONICS - ...is now my first choice. (1)
- Quantum reality - mind is already immortal (1)
- questions - invited (1)
- Reincarnation (1)
- Religion - cryonics as... (1)
- Rick Potvin (3)
- Rick's Situation - a sad tale of insurance folly (1)
- Rudi Hoffman - alternative plans (1)
- Sequence reader. (1)
- Silver - funding my preservation with silver 100 oz bars. (1)
- Standby fee $10/mo and Chapman's blogpost (1)
- status report - my membership status (1)
- Steve Vachani - underinsured at age 22 (1)
- Storage containers - Maxim's view (1)
- Suicide for cryonics (1)
- Suspended Animation Inc - May 20 2011 conference will pitch to Alcor members to convert (1)
- Transferrability - of PALM cryonics plan across orgs (1)
- Unperson's situation (1)
- Updates in diary format. (1)
- vaccines - covid minus 90 (1)
- will or trust - name Alcor as beneficiary for pre-arranged last minute non member cryonics (1)